Publish to Google Street View

Publish to Google Street View

Publish your projects on Street View using Viewmake Editor available on Tourmake panel. A simple multilingual platform with special features that that make the work and life of photographers easier.

What you can do:

  • Create and save projects for publishing on Street View;
  • Free publishing on Street View with no limits, having at most a project under construction;
  • Publishing of 360 single photos or a whole virtual tour on Street View;
  • Automatic geolocation system of 360 photos and autolinking;
  • Multiple-accounts management;
  • Easy-management system for big tours;
  • Possibility to open and edit projects already published.

These are the specific options available on the panel:

  • Blur, the filter needed to obscure faces and images protected by privacy;
  • Nadir patching, to mask the tripod or anything you want to remove at the bottom of the overview.

 Watch the video

To access the panel for free, just fill in the form in contact section.


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    Areas of Interest

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    Points of Interest

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    Booking tables

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Free - on Google Play